Student Use of Electronic Devices

General Expectations


It is the expectation that all MS students will have a fully-charged, functioning Macbook with them for every class, from the start of the school day. 

When using their laptops, students should be working in locations where their screens are accessible and visible to any supervising FIS colleague. Monitoring should be easily achieved by walking next to and behind students as they are engaging with the technology.


Students should have their own headphones available at school at all times, for use as appropriate to support lessons and digital testing sessions.  Some teachers may allow students to listen to music using these headphones during class but this is at the teachers discression

Phones and other digital devices 

Students' phones and other digital devices should be kept in bags or lockers at all times. On some occasions teachers may  provide opportunites to use these personal devices to support learning.  

FIS Technology & Responsible Use Agreement

Pg1-FIS Technology & Responsible Use Agreement
Pg2-FIS Technology & Responsible Use Agreement