Presence at School

On arrival at school you should go to your homeroom no later than 8:35 when advisory starts.

Late Arrival – “sign-in”

If you arrive in school after 8:35 when attendance is taken, you must visit the office to collect a 'I signed in' card and hand this to your teacher.


If you are absent from school, your parents must inform the office each day you are away using this form.
You should also check in with teachers to see what work you have missed and discuss with them what may need to be completed at a later date. If these include missing an assessment you must find a time to complete this that works for the teacher.

Absence for school events

If you are absent for a whole day for school events, such as a sporting or transition event you should contact all teachers prior to the missed day to discuss with them their expectations about what you need to complete. Sports coaches, the school counselor, the G6-8 coordinator or other relevant teachers should also contact all Middle School teachers with as much information prior to the event as well.

Early Leavers

If you leave early for an extra curricular activity then you must contact the teachers of the class(es) you will be missing in advance to find out what you will need to do to make up for the missed class(es). If this includes missing an assessment you must find a time to complete this that works for the teacher. Before leaving the building you need to visit the office and receive an 'I signed out' card to give to security else they will not let you leave.