Elective Classes


Some students will not take additional language. Teachers will identify students who require English Language Acquisition or Learning Support at the beginning of the year. 

Students will be asked to select from:

*Please click here for more information about the identity language program - Please note that at this time the identity language program is only available for students going into G7 and G8. Please contact Dr Majeski if you are in G6 and feel this program would be suitable for you. 

Creative Arts 

Creative arts is comprised of both compulsory grade level and cross grade elective classes. Please consider the compulsory classes for your grade level when making elective choices. Course descriptions for these classes are below the elective descriptions. 

Elective Classes

Students are asked to rank their preferred choice of the classes below. Whilst every attempt is made to ensure students receive their first choice please bear in mind that to keep class sizes balanced this may not be possible. 

Students choose 1 elective for each Semester.

Semester 1 Choices:

Instrumental Ensemble

The Instrumental Ensemble course is for 6-8 graders who want to play music together using different instruments like violin, cello, flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, and piano. Students should feel comfortable reading music sheets and have a good sense of rhythm for this course. Led by the students, they can choose what they want to play - from pop songs by artists like Billie Eilish and Ed Sheeran, to classical pieces by Mozart and Beethoven. The course will help students achieve goals related to Approaches To Learning (ATLs). Learning how to organize and manage time helps students plan their practice sessions, set achievable goals, and maintain motivation in music. The course lasts one semester, with the option to continue in Semester 2. Returning students will learn new songs, making each term exciting and fresh.


During this course students will learn how to sing a cappella - unaccompanied, including singing in harmony - and sing songs with accompaniment.  All vocal ranges will be catered for. We will explore a range of recent choir classics and modern rock choir repertoire. This will give you tools and ideas for making your own music for the rest of your life. One semester - Can be chosen for one semester or twice - in both Semester 1 and 2 - Returning students will learn new songs / play at the next level


During this course students will learn the basic skills needed in improvisation for the theater. They will explore their creative potential and experience the freedom and joy of improvisational play. They will also explore the basic building blocks of a scene through improvisation: The Who (characters/ relationship), the Where (setting), and the What (conflict objectives/tactics). It is the perfect starting place for those with zero improv experience or for those wanting to deepen their improv fundamentals.

DT: Design for Change

DT Design for Change is a middle school course elective for 6 - 8th graders.  It is a course that extends the Changemaker time of grades 4 - 5 and connects to the grade 9 - 10 elective “Design For Change Studio”. The course focuses on design thinking methodology and a studio structure to create collaborative solutions to authentic problems, these problems are taken from our local community.  Students learn by doing and are expected to target and set growth goals around Approaches To Learning (ATLs) over the semester.  Students can take this course more than one time as their learning targets (expectations) will be different.   

Mixed Media Studies

In this course students will explore various mixed media techniques to make large 2 dimensional artworks on paper and canvas. Students will work with a variety of dry media (graphite, chalks, charcoal, pastels) and wet media (paint, oil and ink). They will try to incorporate different styles and  techniques in their works and explore genres like still life, collage, portraiture and value studies. 

Sustainability for Life

Sustainability for Life is a comprehensive course designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to live a sustainable lifestyle seamlessly integrated into everyday routines. From budgeting to upcycling, cooking, and beyond, this course offers a holistic approach to sustainability that empowers students to make impactful changes in their lives and communities.

Newscasting, Journalism & Media Production (full year course)

FISW TV has a space in the schedule! This course will be dedicated to developing the newscasting, journalism and media production skills in those students who are interested in being on the FISW TV News team, responsible for the collaborative production of the Day H student newscast

Technical focus will be on advanced camera techniques and digital editing. Content includes interviewing techniques, script-writing, storyboarding, scheduling, producing, directing, and creatively splicing video shorts. Other areas for exploration will include advanced lighting and sound techniques, as well as live-stream recording and editing.

Semester 2 Choices: 

Instrumental Ensemble

The Instrumental Ensemble course is for 6-8 graders who want to play music together using different instruments like violin, cello, flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, and piano. Students should feel comfortable reading music sheets and have a good sense of rhythm for this course. Led by the students, they can choose what they want to play - from pop songs by artists like Billie Eilish and Ed Sheeran, to classical pieces by Mozart and Beethoven. The course will help students achieve goals related to Approaches To Learning (ATLs). Learning how to organize and manage time helps students plan their practice sessions, set achievable goals, and maintain motivation in music. Returning students will learn new songs, making each term exciting and fresh.


Students will learn how to sing a cappella - unaccompanied, including singing in harmony - and sing songs with accompaniment.  All vocal ranges will be catered for. Students will explore a range of recent choir classics and modern rock choir repertoire. This will give you tools and ideas for making your own music for the rest of your life. Can be chosen for one semester or twice - in both Semester 1 and 2 - Returning students will learn new songs. 

Drama- Open Scenes

Students will be introduced to the most basic of scripts: the contentless/open scene script. They will learn/apply their knowledge of character/relationships, setting, objective, and tactics to add content to a contentless scene. Students will also learn the basics of set design and blocking, and will begin using voice expression to communicate clearer characters. The course culminates in a performance assessment in which students will work in pairs to add content to and perform a contentless scene.

DT: Design for Change

DT Design for Change is a middle school course elective for 6 - 8th graders.  It is a course that extends the Changemaker time of grades 4 - 5 and connects to the grade 9 - 10 elective “Design For Change Studio”. The course focuses on design thinking methodology and a studio structure to create collaborative solutions to authentic problems, these problems are taken from our local community.  Students learn by doing and are expected to target and set growth goals around Approaches To Learning (ATLs) over the semester.  Students can take this course more than one time as their learning targets (expectations) will be different. 

3D Art

In this course students will be exploring sculpture in the round or relief. They will use their understanding of the elements of art and principles of design to create sculptural works of art. Media to be explored include, but are not limited to: wire, cardboard, paper, clay (ceramics),mosaics, wood, natural, and found objects.  

Sustainability for Life

Sustainability for Life is a comprehensive course designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to live a sustainable lifestyle seamlessly integrated into everyday routines. From budgeting to upcycling, cooking, and beyond, this course offers a holistic approach to sustainability that empowers students to make impactful changes in their lives and communities.

Newscasting, Journalism & Media Production (full year course)

FISW TV has a space in the schedule! This course will be dedicated to developing the newscasting, journalism and media production skills in those students who are interested in being on the FISW TV News team, responsible for the collaborative production of the Day H student newscast

Technical focus will be on advanced camera techniques and digital editing. Content includes interviewing techniques, script-writing, storyboarding, scheduling, producing, directing, and creatively splicing video shorts. Other areas for exploration will include advanced lighting and sound techniques, as well as live-stream recording and editing.

Compulsory Classes

Semester 1

Grade 6 - Outdoor Learning 

This course directly extends the outdoor program from elementary school by continuing to focuses on the 5 areas of outdoor at FISW: 

Curriculum Connected: (extensions to learning from other subjects) 

Adventure: (Navigation, Fire Building, Shelters, Knots)

Gardening: (Planting, Identification, Composting, Building) 

Connection with Nature: (Journaling, Observation, “Quiet Time”)

Exploration / Play: (Respecting the Environment, Safety, Equipment) 

Grade 7 - Drama/Music 


During this course students will learn about the basic actor’s tools through the exploration of body, voice and stage movement. Participating in drama games and dramatic exercises students will learn about the importance of the actor’s tools to communicate ideas and feelings to the audience. 


Students will learn music theory by playing the keyboard and vocal singing. They will also learn to play simple chords and understand basic music terms. The main goal of this course will be to sing along while playing simple chords on the keyboard or be able to create a simple melodic composition.  

This course culminates in a combined drama/music performance assessment in which students will devise and perform a monologue and accompany it with music/song.

Grade 8 Art 

Students will explore the following techniques and media in this semester-long, 100 minute block class: perspective drawing–origins and applications; subtractive sculpture; the Modernism movement culminating with Modernist artist research paper and original artwork.

Semester 2

Grade 6 - Drama/ Music 


During this course students will use their actor’s tools of body, voice and imagination to tell a story. They will experiment collaboratively and individually with different storytelling techniques such as pantomime, character physicality and still frames. 


During this course students will learn music theory through body percussion, singing and drumming. They will learn to read, write and play simple rhythmic and melodic patterns and use the body percussion skills and drums to perform simple music compositions. The main goal of this course will be to learn how to use various percussion skills in order to create meaningful group compositions.

This course culminates in a combined drama/music performance assessment in which students will tell a story using mime and still frames. 

Grade 7 Art

Students will explore the following techniques and media in this semester-long, 100 minute block course: exploring a variety of artworks that are considered “abstract” and working with digital media, pen and ink with watercolor as well as printmaking to develop our understanding and creation of own abstract artworks.

Gr 8 - Outdoor Learning 

This course directly extends the outdoor program from elementary school by continuing to focuses on the 5 areas of outdoor at FISW: 

Curriculum Connected: (extensions to learning from other subjects) 

Adventure: (Navigation, Fire Building, Shelters, Knots)

Gardening: (Planting, Identification, Composting, Building) 

Connection with Nature: (Journaling, Observation, “Quiet Time”)

Exploration / Play: (Respecting the Environment, Safety, Equipment)